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This collection of studies, reports and videos offers an overview of Agrivoltaics in India and Europe. 

Agrivoltaics in India
Overview of operational Projects and relevant Policies



This updated report provides a comprehensive overview of the current situation of Agrivoltaics In India. This includes a summary of 22 operational and 3 upcomming projects as well as a detailed examination of their technical, economical and agricultural properties. Furthermore, the paper presents a preliminary review of Indian policies relevant to Agrivoltaics as a concept.


Opportunities for agriculture and the energy transition


This handbook provides comprehensive information about agriphotovoltaics and the results and experiences to date, presenting key research results of the APV-RESOLA project. It provides information on the possibilities and advantages of the technology and use, gives an overview of the current state of the technology as well its potential, and offers practical advice on the use of the technology for farmers, municipalities, and companies.




Accelerating Agrivoltaics in Maharashtra
Potential Analysis and Policy Recommendations


This report explores the potential for agrivoltaics in Maharashtra, emphasizing the state's position to lead in the integration of solar energy with agriculture. By conducting a potential analysis, the report identifies key areas where agrivoltaics can thrive, enhancing both energy generation and agricultural output. 


Setting up of Optimum Design Parameters for Agrivoltaic Power Plants in Indian Geo-Climatic Conditions

The paper from International Solar Energy Society supported by Indo German Energy Forum delves into an analytical study defining optimal design parameters for agrivoltaic power plants in India's Geo-Climatic Conditions. Notably, the study introduces a method and matrix to gauge sunlight availability in various zones within a solar field segment, considering different structural configurations and crop suitability.


Agrivoltaics in India

The study encompasses potential assessments, various business models, implementation strategies, technical aspects, policy enablers, market dynamics, financial considerations, and the skill sets needed to catalyze the growth of Agrivoltaics in India

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Integrated Value Chain Approach for Agrivoltaic Systems

This policy brief examines the economic feasibility of the integrated value chain approach for Agrivoltaic systems, taking into account the income from selling crops and value-added products.


Case Study on Power Generation from Agrivoltaic System in India

This study evaluates the performance of a 7.2 kWp SPV power plant that was installed in the field of the REE department of the College of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the SPV power plant's performance was evaluated. The power plant was properly observed for whole year. Average system efficiency, capacity factor, and overall performance ratio were evaluated.


Agrivoltaics in India: Challenges and opportunities for scale-up



This background paper assesses the current state of development and identifies the challenges and opportunities for the commercialization of agrivoltaics in India. The authors reviewed existing literature on agrivoltaics and interviewed 11 experts from power distribution companies, research institutions, and commercial firms who have implemented pilot projects.


Legal Aspects of Agriphotovoltaics in India


This study provides an assessment of the current legal framework in eleven selected states of India in the context of 1-10 MW Agrivoltaic projects. The major focus lies on land regulations and how they influence the status of land-use category, probable change in tax incidence for farmers and developers, finance availability for project development and permit requirement. The study aims to contribute valuable inputs on how to further improve legalframework conditions for AgriPV in India to harvest its huge potential.

Best Practice Guidelines (India


The India edition of the SolarPower Europe’s Agrisolar Best Practice Guidelines reflects the experience and views of both European and Indian stakeholders from the industry. Supported by the Indo-German Energy Forum (IGEF), the document is based on the second edition of SolarPower Europe’s Agrisolar Best Practice Guidelines, adjusted to the Indian context in a joint effort between SolarPower Europe, National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI), and 68 Indian and European solar industry professionals.


AgriVoltaics2021 Conference
AIP Conference Proceedings


The central theme for the AgriVoltaics2021 Conference was "Connecting agrivoltaics worldwide", calling for enhanced  international exchange as a basis for bringing forward the concept of agrivoltaics.

These proceedings include 20 papers providing an overview of many aspects of agrivoltaics, from technology to agronomy and policy, including case studies from different regions of the world and modelling exercises to optimize agrivoltaic systems.


A Climate-Smart Agriculture Approach for Indian Farmers


This paper reviews integrating solar farming with agriculture, known as Agrivoltaics, as a Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) option for Indian farmers. This paper identifies rural electrification, water conservation, yield improvement, sustainable income generation, and reduction in the usage of pesticides as the strengths of agrivoltaics. Similarly, the paper presents weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to agrivoltaics in India.

Feasibility and Economic Viability of Horticulture Photovoltaics
Paras, Maharshtra, India


This report assesses and evaluates the feasibility and economic viability of Horticulture PV at the site of Paras, offering offers a general idea about the principles and expected performance of Horticulture PV systems in the Indian context. For pactical guidance, the document also highlights experiences with Horticulture PV projects of Fraunhofer ISE and provides technical know-how and implementation strategies.

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Agrivoltaics in India: Fertile Ground?

Multiple Social and Economic Benefits of Farmland Solar Are Possible – But Not Without New Policy Settings


The report, Agrivoltaics in India: Fertile Ground?, outlines three major national challenges that agrivoltaics could help address: accelerating the renewable energy roll-out by distributing it throughout the country at a variety of scales; relieving the pressure of renewable energy facilities on sensitive lands and ecosystems; and  contributing to a stronger and more diverse rural economy.


Agri-photovoltaics (Agri-PV): how multi-land use can help deliver sustainable energy and food

Agri-PV has the potential to simultaneously ensure food and energy security while at the same time contributing to sustainability and to the European Green Deal (EGD) targets. JRC hosted an Agri-PV workshop with key stakeholders on 24 March 2022. This briefing note summarises the main messages from the discussions.

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Agri-photovoltaic systems - Requirements for primary agricultural use


The aim of this document is to prepare a test method for agrivoltaic systems that provides a standard with regard to agrivoltaic measurement figures for reporting and project documentation vis-à vis the legislative and funding bodies and the approval authorities, as well as for the post-testing and certification of agrivoltaic systems by experts and certification organizations.


Characterising solar PV project on agricultural land and agrivoltaism - Executive Summary


This executive summary present findings from a study lead by ADEME, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, on characterisation of solar PV activity on agricultural land and the definition of agrivoltaism. It outlines a classification gradient for solar PV plants on agricultural lands and sets forth needed criteria for agrivoltaics and recommendations to promote the deployment of AgriPV. 

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