Business Opportunities for AgriPV in India
Session at the Renewable Energy India Expo 2022
The Indo-German Energy Forum, together with the German Solar Association (BSW-Solar) and National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI) hosted a session on the “Business Opportunities for AgriPV in India” on the 29th of September 2022, during the 15th annual Renewable Energy India Expo in Great Noida.
Here we provide a brief overview of the addressed topics and key points from the session.
Ms. Luz Alicia Aguilar, Senior Project Manager International Affairs, BSW-Solar (Moderation)
Dr. Nicole Glanemann, Deputy Head of Division at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) of Germany Mr. David Wedepohl, Managing Director International Affairs, BSW-Solar
Dr. Martin Lux, Head Energy Team, KfW India
Mr. Pulipaka, CEO, National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI)
Mr. Siddharth Goel, Senior Policy Advisor, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Mr. Vivek Saraf, CEO and Co-Founder, SunSeed APV
Ms. Suruchi Kotoky, Senior Associate, BTG Legal
Mr. Sascha Krause-Tünker, CFO, NEXT2Sun
Potential of AgriPV
Benefits for agriculture, solar, academia, government and community
Mitigation of land use conflicts and avoidance of land grabbing for sole PV purposes
Increase of farmer revenues and improvement of livelihoods
Reduction of climate risks for crop cultivation
Promotion of clean and renewable energies
Improved energy access
Recent Developments
17 + fully elevated Agrivoltaics plants operational across India, overall 24+ operational plants (see map)
2021 Report on “Agrivoltaics in India” provides an overview of operational projects and relevant policies
2021 Working Group Agriculture and Renewable Energy was established under the IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) for Action, with NSEFI acting as a main supporter and setting the focus on AgriPV
2021 Guidebook on PM-KUSUM Components B & C “Implementing Solar Irrigation Sustainable” (IISD)
Guidebook on PM-KUSUM Components A & C on “Solar Feeders” currently under development (IISD)
2022 Study on the “Legal Aspects of Agriphotovoltaics in India” provides an assessment of the current legal framework of Agriphotovoltaics in eleven states across India, including recommendation for improving legal framework conditions
MNRE currently developing policy for enabling AgriPV
Key Challenges
Trade-off between additional PV mounting cost and revenue from combined crop cultivation and solar generation
Need to align incentive for farmers and developers alike
Limited stakeholder coordination, i.e., between farmers and developers
Need for further performance analysis and data generation on various AgriPV designs and cultivated crops
Moving from pilot and technology demonstration phase to viable business models
Absent or unclear land legislation for co-existence of agriculture with N.A. activities, i.e., PV
Complex process and multiple authorities to be approached to avoid any risk or liability
Authorities and individual officials may have differing views and interpretations of regulations
Land use classification to incorporate dual land-use for agriculture and PV, e.g., inclusion of “special areas for agrivoltaics”
Single window clearance for AgriPV, including single nodal agency
Definitions, standards and technical norms for AgriPV to safeguard farmers revenues and avoid neglect of agricultural purposes
Fiscal and financial incentives
Pre-fixed / assured tariffs
Capacity building for farmers and developers alike
Greater Stakeholder contribution
Development of farmer-developer business models